Man Killed In Alhambra Police Shooting

Investigation Underway After Fatal Police Shooting in Alhambra by South Almansor Street

ALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIA (January 19, 2025) – A man in the midst of a possible mental health crisis has tragically died in an Alhambra police shooting along South Manor Street.

Los Angeles County sheriff department officials are saying that the incident took place around 11:47 AM on Saturday. Officers got a call about a man who may be suicidal.

The man was allegedly holding a knife when he continued to approach officers. It was at this time that an officer-involved shooting took place.

The officers at the scene began rendering aid, which was taken over by paramedics. He was transported to a hospital where he died due to his injuries.

A full investigation into the Alhambra police shooting remains ongoing at this time.

Liability for Alhambra Police Shootings

Thousands of people are killed or seriously injured every year in encounters with police officers. A large portion of these encounters involved people who were in the midst of a serious mental health crisis. According to the International Bipolar Foundation, “Nationwide, at least 25% of people who are shot and killed by police officers suffer from acute mental illness at the time of their death. People with untreated mental illness are 16 times more likely to be fatally shot during an encounter with police than people with their mental illnesses under control.” There are a number of measures that police officers should take if they suspect a person is in the midst of a mental health crisis.

  • Request backup
  • Calm the situation
  • Avoid physical contact
  • Determine if the suspect is taking medication
  • Acknowledge the suspect’s feelings
  • Not make any threats

Police officers have a legal obligation to always use the least amount of force necessary for any given encounter. According to 42 U.S. Code § 1983, every person who, under the color of law, deprives someone of their rights afforded under the Constitution, shall be liable to the injured party in an action at law. Officers have specific guidelines for when they must interact with mentally ill suspects. If police officers failed to follow department protocol for dealing with suspects in the midst of a serious mental health crisis, this could serve as evidence of negligence. It is important that certain steps are taken after any fatal police encounter.

  • Body camera footage from all officers involved should be reviewed.
  • The history of disciplinary action against the responding officers should be understood.
  • Medical records related to the shooting should be collected.
  • An experienced civil rights attorney should be contacted.

Even if a police officer’s action seemed reasonable in the moment, it may not have been reasonable given the totality of circumstances leading up to any fatal encounter. For example, it matters greatly if a police officer was following department protocol and attempting to de-escalate an encounter before using lethal force. Sadly, police departments will often do everything in their power to deny liability if one of their officers kills someone. This is why it is so important that any fatal police encounter is thoroughly investigated by an outside agency. The family of any person who was killed in a police shooting may have legal recourse through a civil claim.

Investigating Los Angeles County Police Shootings

We at the Carrillo Law Firm, LLP extend our deepest condolences to the family of the man who died in this Alhambra police shooting. This was a tragedy that should’ve never taken place. This individual needed serious help, but they were met with lethal force. It is our sincere hope that there’s a thorough investigation into what went wrong and that steps are taken to de-escalate similar encounters in the future so that they do not end in tragedy.

Do you need more information about an Alhambra police shooting? Our team of civil rights attorneys is here to assist you in any way that we can. We care deeply that people are aware of their constitutional rights and the police departments are held accountable for their misconduct. Whether you need a free, independent investigation into any incident or just have legal questions, we are here for you. You can reach out to us anytime at 626-799-9375.



Michael works on high-profile cases that have garnered national media attention. His practice today focuses on child sexual abuse cases, police misconduct cases, catastrophic injuries and other wrongful death matters. He is a passionate advocate for his clients including the countless child sexual abuse victims he currently represents.